
SUFI86_MASTER_ART_FILE-4DEC2013MH.inddby Charlotte Heckscher

Most people go to Egypt to see the pyramids, but I believe I have come here for the rare pleasure of sitting at a café in Khan al Khalili,

Baaghy and the Special Cargo

BAAGHYSCARGO500x240Baaghy and the Special Cargo: Some Kind of Story by Martin Harris

The onion tree had stood just inside the gates of the Sufi house for maybe 300 years,

The Illusion of Self


by Alireza Nurbakhsh

Each of us tends to think of him- or herself as a distinct being, a “self” that is both separate from other people and separate from our bodies and our perceptions, thoughts and feelings.

Meditation in Motion

Helminski_2by Kabir Helminski

Sema is to struggle with the notion of one’s self, like a dying, bloodstained bird, fluttering in the dust.”  -Jalaluddin Rumi.